Researcher(s) ID-12047
Researcher(s), USAID Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance (DRG) – Learning, Evaluation and Research (LER) Activity III, DRG Policy Literature Review
Social Impact is a global development management consulting firm. We provide monitoring, evaluation, strategic planning, and capacity building services to advance development effectiveness. We work across all development sectors including democracy and governance, health and education, the environment, and economic growth. Since 1997 we have worked in over 100 countries for clients such as US government agencies, bilateral donors, multilateral development banks, foundations, and nonprofits.
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Project Objective:
• Social Impact has been commissioned to conduct a literature review and a set of deliverables intended to address the following question:
• How do non-DRG development sectors and their related interventions influence - both positively and negatively - democratic outcomes, institutions and processes? How does this relationship work? How does this differ by development context?
• The main purpose of this tasking is to identify plausible causal pathways related to the positive and negative relationship between non-DRG development sectors - which may include health, education, economic growth, agriculture, food security, the environment and humanitarian assistance - and their related interventions and DRG intervention and outcomes influence. The research will involve conducting a review of relevant academic, gray and research literature, and identifying relevant country case studies to illustrate causal pathways and produce deliverables as outlined below.
• The work commissioned under this tasking will be used for two primary purposes:
• Establish a framework for a democracy review process that is being established at USAID.
• Inform the implications of the democracy review process including USAID DRG and non-DRG development programming design and implementation.
Position Description:
Social Impact is seeking researchers who will be responsible for conducting a literature review of academic literature, gray literature and research, including impact evaluations, focused on autocratic, backsliding and/or kleptocratic developing countries. SI, in collaboration with researchers, will conduct a series of convenings with relevant USAID staff (and any external experts and/or academics identified by USAID) to identify hypothesized causal pathways (both positive and negative), prioritize non-DRG sectors to focus on first and identify potential cases where these pathways have been used. Researchers will also conduct a landscape analysis to refine the literature review and provide a deep dive by sector. The literature review may then shift to conducting qualitative national and subnational specific cases including document review and interviews to identify relevant evidence, and examples.
Researchers will lead the development of deliverables, which will include:
Deliverable 1: Contribute to scoping meetings and attend weekly management meetings
Deliverable 2: Conduct landscape analysis for assigned non-DRG sector's impact on DRG interventions and outcomes
Deliverable 3: Provide input to interim reporting to USAID as requested
Deliverable 4: Draft and provide revisions through completion of a 7-10 page literature review on the assigned non-DRG sector's impact on DRG interventions and outcomes
The estimated period of performance is May - August 2024 with an estimated LOE of 28-30 days.
Please submit your CV in English for best consideration of your candidacy. CVs must not exceed a maximum of 10 pages.
• Participate in meetings with SI, USAID, and other researchers to identify hypothesized causal pathways (both positive and negative), identify potential cases where these pathways have been used, and other scoping activities as needed.
• Lead literature review(s) of assigned non-DRG sector academic, gray and research literature and its effect on DRG outcomes.
• Draft and revise deliverables as described above.
• Work closely with SI HQ and other research team members and communicate in a timely and effective manner with all project personnel.
• Abide by SI standards of ethics and quality.
• Qualifications:
• Master’s degree or PhD and 2 years relevant experience
• Academic researchers preferred (ABD graduate students, professors, post-docs, lecturers)
• Political Science background preferred
• Strong research background in a non-DRG sector (e.g. health, education, economic growth, agriculture, food security, the environment and humanitarian assistance)
• Prior experience conducting applied research studies and producing reports for USAID preferred
• Prior experience with AI software to support literature reviews preferred (Perplexity, Elicit, ResearchRabbit, Scite, etc)
• Excellent written and oral communication skills in English
• Flexible availability to conduct literature reviews and draft reports over a condensed time period from late May- mid June required
• Demonstrated organizational skills and attention to detail; ability to work independently and with team members to meet deadlines and adhere to high-quality standards
• A commitment to valuing diversity and contributing to an inclusive work and learning environment.
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