Senior Product Designer - Purchase Team ID-11704
At PayPal (NASDAQ: PYPL), we believe that every person has the right to participate fully in the global economy. Our mission is to revolutionize commerce globally to make moving money, selling and shopping, personalized and secure.
Job Description Summary:
The Purchase design team within PayPal is responsible for the consumer facing experience originating at merchant sites, through Checkout and all the post-purchase journeys leading to and within the consumer app. The team is responsible for all checkout experiences across PayPal including our flagship branded checkout, our new guest checkout product - Fastlane, and our rapidly growing Pay with Venmo initiative.
Virtual Assistant, $45/hr, Remote, No Experience, Night Job
Entry-Level Remote Data Entry, $50/hr, Evening Job
Customer Support, No Degree, $40/hr, Remote, Weekend Job
Remote Phone Job, $42/hr, Part-Time, College Student Friendly
Virtual Assistant, $40/hr, Remote, No Degree, Night Job
Part-Time Data Entry, $45/hr, Remote, College Student Friendly
Remote Moderator, No Degree, $50/hr, Evening, Weekend Job
Remote Customer Support, $42/hr, Night Job, No Experience
Live Chat Support, $40/hr, Remote, Entry Level, Part-Time
Virtual Assistant, Remote, $42/hr, Weekend, No Experience
Remote Data Entry, $45/hr, No Degree, Night Shift
Part-Time Customer Support, $40/hr, Remote, College Student
Remote Live Chat, $50/hr, Part-Time, Evening/Night Job
Entry Level Phone Job, $42/hr, Remote, No Degree Required
Weekend Data Entry, $45/hr, Remote, No Experience
Remote Virtual Assistant, $40/hr, Evening, Part-Time Job
Remote Moderator, $42/hr, Part-Time, Weekend, No Degree
Data Entry, $45/hr, Remote, Night Shift, College Student Job
Phone Support, Remote, $50/hr, No Experience, Part-Time
Virtual Assistant, No Experience, $42/hr, Remote, Weekend
Remote Customer Support, $45/hr, Part-Time, College Student
Data Entry, Remote, $40/hr, Night Shift, No Degree
Evening Virtual Assistant, Remote, $45/hr, No Experience
Weekend Customer Support, $42/hr, Remote, College Student
Remote Data Entry, $50/hr, No Experience, Evening/Night Job
Remote Live Chat, $40/hr, Part-Time, No Degree Required
Virtual Assistant, $42/hr, Remote, Weekend, Entry Level
Remote Phone Support, $45/hr, Evening, No Experience Required
Data Entry, No Experience, $50/hr, Remote, College Student
Remote Moderator, $40/hr, Weekend, No Degree, Part-Time
Live Chat Support, Remote, $42/hr, Night Shift, College Student
Phone Job, $50/hr, Remote, No Degree, Part-Time, Weekend
Data Entry, $45/hr, Remote, Evening, No Experience Required
Virtual Assistant, No Experience, $42/hr, Remote, Part-Time
Remote Customer Support, $50/hr, Night Shift, No Degree
Remote Data Entry, $40/hr, College Student Friendly, Part-Time
Live Chat Support, $42/hr, Weekend, Remote, No Degree
Virtual Assistant, Remote, $45/hr, Evening, No Experience
Remote Phone Job, $50/hr, College Student, Night Shift
Remote Moderator, $42/hr, Weekend, No Experience Required
Data Entry, No Degree, $45/hr, Part-Time, Remote Job
Customer Support, $50/hr, Remote, Evening/Night Job, No Degree
Virtual Assistant, $42/hr, Remote, Weekend, No Degree
Remote Live Chat, $45/hr, College Student, No Experience
Remote Data Entry, $40/hr, Part-Time, No Degree Required
Phone Support, $50/hr, Weekend, Remote, No Experience
Virtual Assistant, $42/hr, Evening, Remote, No Degree
Remote Customer Support, $45/hr, No Experience, Part-Time
Data Entry, $50/hr, Night Job, No Degree, Remote
Remote Moderator, $40/hr, College Student Friendly, Part-Time
Virtual Assistant, Remote, $42/hr, Weekend, No Experience
Remote Phone Job, $45/hr, Part-Time, No Degree Required
Customer Support, $50/hr, Night Job, Remote, No Experience
Data Entry, Remote, $42/hr, Evening Job, No Degree
Live Chat Support, $45/hr, Weekend, Remote, College Student
Virtual Assistant, Remote, $50/hr, Part-Time, Night Shift
Data Entry, $40/hr, No Experience, Remote, Weekend Job
Remote Phone Job, $45/hr, No Degree, College Student Friendly
Customer Support, $42/hr, Remote, Evening, No Experience
Virtual Assistant, $50/hr, Weekend, No Degree, Remote
Remote Data Entry, $40/hr, Part-Time, College Student Job
Phone Support, Remote, $42/hr, Evening/Night Shift
Virtual Assistant, No Degree, $45/hr, Remote, Part-Time
Live Chat Support, $50/hr, Remote, No Experience Required
Remote Moderator, $42/hr, College Student, Weekend Job
Data Entry, $45/hr, Remote, Night Job, No Degree
Virtual Assistant, $50/hr, Remote, Part-Time, Evening Job
Remote Customer Support, $42/hr, Weekend, No Experience
Phone Job, $45/hr, Remote, Night Shift, No Degree
Remote Live Chat, $50/hr, College Student, No Experience
Data Entry, $40/hr, Part-Time, Remote, Weekend Job
Virtual Assistant, $42/hr, Remote, No Experience, Evening
Remote Phone Support, $45/hr, Night Job, College Student
Remote Moderator, $50/hr, No Degree, Weekend, Part-Time
Virtual Assistant, $40/hr, Remote, Night Shift, No Experience
Customer Support, $42/hr, Remote, Part-Time, No Degree
Remote Data Entry, $45/hr, Weekend Job, College Student
Phone Support, Remote, $50/hr, No Experience, Night Shift
Virtual Assistant, $42/hr, Evening, Remote, College Student
This role sits within the branded checkout team. As a Senior Product Designer within the Purchase team, you will help create meaningful and cohesive end-to-end payment experiences globally. You will work alongside your cross-functional team members to influence decisions and ultimately deliver the best possible online payment experience for our customers and merchants around the world.
Job Description:
As a leader in fintech, PayPal is democratizing financial services for our customers around the globe with simple, affordable, and secure products that are available to everyone. Come join our inclusive and collaborative community working to change the payments landscape and reimagine the future of money for millions of customers worldwide.
The Purchase design team within PayPal is responsible for the consumer facing experience originating at merchant sites, through Checkout and all the post-purchase journeys leading to and within the consumer app. The team is responsible for all checkout experiences across PayPal including our flagship branded checkout, our new guest checkout product - Fastlane, and our rapidly growing Pay with Venmo initiative.
This role sits within the branded checkout team. As a Senior Product Designer within the Purchase team, you will help create meaningful and cohesive end-to-end payment experiences globally. You will work alongside your cross-functional team members to influence decisions and ultimately deliver the best possible online payment experience for our customers and merchants around the world.
At PayPal, Product Designers influence teams to make customer-centric decisions across the product development lifecycle. This includes drawing on data and research to inform design concepts and decision making. We start with asking the right questions and end with optimized, best-in-class deliverables and that convince stakeholders and put the user at the center. Our designers are great storytellers, active listeners, technology enthusiasts and experts of their craft.
As a Senior Product Designer, you will be the voice of the customer. You will be responsible for the design methodology of one or more highly complex or strategic product domains contributing to PayPal's outcomes. And inspire others to continuously optimize our products. You will represent your domain to your peers, senior leaders, and execs across the wider organization. And you will actively mentor other designers and help lead cross-functional teams.
Job responsibilities:
Job Description Summary:
The Purchase design team within PayPal is responsible for the consumer facing experience originating at merchant sites, through Checkout and all the post-purchase journeys leading to and within the consumer app. The team is responsible for all checkout experiences across PayPal including our flagship branded checkout, our new guest checkout product - Fastlane, and our rapidly growing Pay with Venmo initiative.
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Remote Data Entry, No Experience, $40/hr, Part-TimeVirtual Assistant, $45/hr, Remote, No Experience, Night Job
Entry-Level Remote Data Entry, $50/hr, Evening Job
Customer Support, No Degree, $40/hr, Remote, Weekend Job
Remote Phone Job, $42/hr, Part-Time, College Student Friendly
Virtual Assistant, $40/hr, Remote, No Degree, Night Job
Part-Time Data Entry, $45/hr, Remote, College Student Friendly
Remote Moderator, No Degree, $50/hr, Evening, Weekend Job
Remote Customer Support, $42/hr, Night Job, No Experience
Live Chat Support, $40/hr, Remote, Entry Level, Part-Time
Virtual Assistant, Remote, $42/hr, Weekend, No Experience
Remote Data Entry, $45/hr, No Degree, Night Shift
Part-Time Customer Support, $40/hr, Remote, College Student
Remote Live Chat, $50/hr, Part-Time, Evening/Night Job
Entry Level Phone Job, $42/hr, Remote, No Degree Required
Weekend Data Entry, $45/hr, Remote, No Experience
Remote Virtual Assistant, $40/hr, Evening, Part-Time Job
Remote Moderator, $42/hr, Part-Time, Weekend, No Degree
Data Entry, $45/hr, Remote, Night Shift, College Student Job
Phone Support, Remote, $50/hr, No Experience, Part-Time
Virtual Assistant, No Experience, $42/hr, Remote, Weekend
Remote Customer Support, $45/hr, Part-Time, College Student
Data Entry, Remote, $40/hr, Night Shift, No Degree
Evening Virtual Assistant, Remote, $45/hr, No Experience
Weekend Customer Support, $42/hr, Remote, College Student
Remote Data Entry, $50/hr, No Experience, Evening/Night Job
Remote Live Chat, $40/hr, Part-Time, No Degree Required
Virtual Assistant, $42/hr, Remote, Weekend, Entry Level
Remote Phone Support, $45/hr, Evening, No Experience Required
Data Entry, No Experience, $50/hr, Remote, College Student
Remote Moderator, $40/hr, Weekend, No Degree, Part-Time
Live Chat Support, Remote, $42/hr, Night Shift, College Student
Phone Job, $50/hr, Remote, No Degree, Part-Time, Weekend
Data Entry, $45/hr, Remote, Evening, No Experience Required
Virtual Assistant, No Experience, $42/hr, Remote, Part-Time
Remote Customer Support, $50/hr, Night Shift, No Degree
Remote Data Entry, $40/hr, College Student Friendly, Part-Time
Live Chat Support, $42/hr, Weekend, Remote, No Degree
Virtual Assistant, Remote, $45/hr, Evening, No Experience
Remote Phone Job, $50/hr, College Student, Night Shift
Remote Moderator, $42/hr, Weekend, No Experience Required
Data Entry, No Degree, $45/hr, Part-Time, Remote Job
Customer Support, $50/hr, Remote, Evening/Night Job, No Degree
Virtual Assistant, $42/hr, Remote, Weekend, No Degree
Remote Live Chat, $45/hr, College Student, No Experience
Remote Data Entry, $40/hr, Part-Time, No Degree Required
Phone Support, $50/hr, Weekend, Remote, No Experience
Virtual Assistant, $42/hr, Evening, Remote, No Degree
Remote Customer Support, $45/hr, No Experience, Part-Time
Data Entry, $50/hr, Night Job, No Degree, Remote
Remote Moderator, $40/hr, College Student Friendly, Part-Time
Virtual Assistant, Remote, $42/hr, Weekend, No Experience
Remote Phone Job, $45/hr, Part-Time, No Degree Required
Customer Support, $50/hr, Night Job, Remote, No Experience
Data Entry, Remote, $42/hr, Evening Job, No Degree
Live Chat Support, $45/hr, Weekend, Remote, College Student
Virtual Assistant, Remote, $50/hr, Part-Time, Night Shift
Data Entry, $40/hr, No Experience, Remote, Weekend Job
Remote Phone Job, $45/hr, No Degree, College Student Friendly
Customer Support, $42/hr, Remote, Evening, No Experience
Virtual Assistant, $50/hr, Weekend, No Degree, Remote
Remote Data Entry, $40/hr, Part-Time, College Student Job
Phone Support, Remote, $42/hr, Evening/Night Shift
Virtual Assistant, No Degree, $45/hr, Remote, Part-Time
Live Chat Support, $50/hr, Remote, No Experience Required
Remote Moderator, $42/hr, College Student, Weekend Job
Data Entry, $45/hr, Remote, Night Job, No Degree
Virtual Assistant, $50/hr, Remote, Part-Time, Evening Job
Remote Customer Support, $42/hr, Weekend, No Experience
Phone Job, $45/hr, Remote, Night Shift, No Degree
Remote Live Chat, $50/hr, College Student, No Experience
Data Entry, $40/hr, Part-Time, Remote, Weekend Job
Virtual Assistant, $42/hr, Remote, No Experience, Evening
Remote Phone Support, $45/hr, Night Job, College Student
Remote Moderator, $50/hr, No Degree, Weekend, Part-Time
Virtual Assistant, $40/hr, Remote, Night Shift, No Experience
Customer Support, $42/hr, Remote, Part-Time, No Degree
Remote Data Entry, $45/hr, Weekend Job, College Student
Phone Support, Remote, $50/hr, No Experience, Night Shift
Virtual Assistant, $42/hr, Evening, Remote, College Student
This role sits within the branded checkout team. As a Senior Product Designer within the Purchase team, you will help create meaningful and cohesive end-to-end payment experiences globally. You will work alongside your cross-functional team members to influence decisions and ultimately deliver the best possible online payment experience for our customers and merchants around the world.
Job Description:
As a leader in fintech, PayPal is democratizing financial services for our customers around the globe with simple, affordable, and secure products that are available to everyone. Come join our inclusive and collaborative community working to change the payments landscape and reimagine the future of money for millions of customers worldwide.
The Purchase design team within PayPal is responsible for the consumer facing experience originating at merchant sites, through Checkout and all the post-purchase journeys leading to and within the consumer app. The team is responsible for all checkout experiences across PayPal including our flagship branded checkout, our new guest checkout product - Fastlane, and our rapidly growing Pay with Venmo initiative.
This role sits within the branded checkout team. As a Senior Product Designer within the Purchase team, you will help create meaningful and cohesive end-to-end payment experiences globally. You will work alongside your cross-functional team members to influence decisions and ultimately deliver the best possible online payment experience for our customers and merchants around the world.
At PayPal, Product Designers influence teams to make customer-centric decisions across the product development lifecycle. This includes drawing on data and research to inform design concepts and decision making. We start with asking the right questions and end with optimized, best-in-class deliverables and that convince stakeholders and put the user at the center. Our designers are great storytellers, active listeners, technology enthusiasts and experts of their craft.
As a Senior Product Designer, you will be the voice of the customer. You will be responsible for the design methodology of one or more highly complex or strategic product domains contributing to PayPal's outcomes. And inspire others to continuously optimize our products. You will represent your domain to your peers, senior leaders, and execs across the wider organization. And you will actively mentor other designers and help lead cross-functional teams.
Job responsibilities:
- Independently contribute to PayPal's strategy and vision, leading designers in the conceptualization, execution, and delivery of PayPal's product experiences, by applying a customer-focused, iterative design process.
- Make design decisions based on insights and advocate for continuous learning and the inclusion of metrics.
- Work with cross-functional team members in the execution and delivery of PayPal's Checkout ecosystem, using a customer-focused, iterative design process.
- Leverage and foster the use of established UX techniques, templates, presentations, and assets in the creation of UX analysis, solutions, and materials.
- Create interactive prototypes, templates, and contribute to our global design system.
- Create high-quality deliverables, including strategy, planning, working with cross-functional partners to remove blockers and presenting effectively to senior staff and stakeholders.
- Actively mentor and develop others and be an influential thought-leader within our UX community. Leverage your strengths to help others grow and inspire other designers to advance their skills and encourage big picture thinking.
- A successful candidate will have at least 8+ years of experience.
- A Bachelors and/or Master's Degree in the study of design including one of the following: Design, Information Architecture, Human Factors or equivalent project/portfolio experience.
- A portfolio and use cases that speak to your design process is required.
- Master of the UX lifecycle with deep, direct experience in all skill areas and tools, including facilitation of workshops or other collaboration techniques to drive momentum and credibility within the organization.
- An expert at designing with Figma and prototyping mobile and desktop interactions.
- Skilled in contributing and using internal design systems.
- Expertise in concepting and testing with consumers using platforms like, Userzoom, or other research tools.
- Awareness and understanding of technology mediums (e.g., JavaScript, HTML/CSS) including differences between them.
- Awareness of latest UX industry trends and online checkout landscape is a plus.
- Experience working in Finance, FinTech or a similar highly regulated industry is an advantage.
- Proven experience in influencing and inspiring highly talented and productive teams
- High attention to detail, under urgent or high-pressure circumstances
- Provokes smart questions, takes risks, and champions new ideas.